26533 and 26555 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan
On long-term view at Travelers Towers are a total of 30 works by various artists from all over the United States. Artists on view include John Cross, Kinga Czerska, Aiko Hachisuka, Laetitia Hussain, Greg Lindquist, Dan Rushton, and Jay Shinn.
Laetitia Hussain’s contribution, installed in Tower II’s atrium, is a beautiful hanging Sycamore tree that Hussain encountered, then cut apart and put back together at unnatural angles. This piece, called Sycamorphology, is suspended from the ceiling by antique nautical ropes and pulleys. Viewers can see this artwork from the nearby staircase and from several vantage points and different stories of the tower, as well as from outside the building.
All the artwork was selected by the Art-in-Buildings curator, who explained, “I always look for pieces that reveal themselves upon multiple viewings. People typically come in and out of work the same way every day and I love installing pieces that intrigue workers to pause and look at these pieces time and time again in different ways.”
Time Equities, Inc., in conjunction with the Francis J. Greenburger Collection, is committed to enriching the experience of our properties through Art-in-Buildings, an innovative program that brings contemporary art from emerging and mid-career artists to non-traditional exhibition spaces.
The program promotes the artists, expands the audience for art, and creates a vibrant environment for the residents of our buildings through a range of permanent and temporary installations and exhibitions.
For more information on the property, please visit travelerstowers.com.