523 Hudson Street New York, New York

May 21, 2021 – July 04, 2021

Time Equities Inc. Art-in-Buildings is pleased to announce the inaugural exhibition at the West 10th Window Satellite Space: Shoshana Dentz, within without.

In within without, Shoshana Dentz has created a kaleidoscopic world of reflections and refractions. Obscuring most of the window with a bright pink film, Dentz invites viewers to peer into a fractured and spatially echoing room through small viewing portals at eye level. Inside, the viewer finds layers of iridescent and translucent planes that create an environment that glints and sparkles, catching bounding apparitions of dappled sunlight and passersby. Constructed from panes of glass, paper, tape, plastic, plexi panels, and mirrors, in within without space is experienced as color, light, line, and texture. Primarily a painter, for the window space Dentz has constructed a larger-scale version of her still-life setup, which has been the singular and serial subject of her observational-based painting and drawing practice of the past decade. Over the course of her exhibition, Dentz will regularly return to the window to draw from the installation, bringing her usual studio practice outside as a plein-air drawing.

In engaging with the bisected, paned space of the Hudson Street window, Dentz draws on the neurological psychophysics of the mirror box, a device with a mirror down the center used to treat phantom-limb pain and other kinds of one-sided pain or disability. Through the reflection of the moving, intact limb, the mirror box tricks the brain into believing that the missing limb is also moving. Citing this demonstration of our visual system’s dominance over the motor-sensory, within without extends Dentz’s fascination with the “physiological and philosophical epiphanies” that mirrored spaces propose. In constructing this luminous environment within the window, Dentz explores how our eyes and minds respond to the simultaneity of fact and fiction held within a mirrored reality.


Shoshana Dentz is a painter who lives and works in Brooklyn. She received her MFA from Bard College’s Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts in 2004 and her BA in Fine Arts from Brandeis University in 1989. Dentz is a recipient of a Pollock Krasner Foundation Award, a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Drawing and The Elaine de Kooning Fellowship in Painting at Bard College. She is a recent Finalist for the FID Prize in Drawing and for the Catherine Doctorow Prize for Contemporary Painting. She was awarded a Publishing Residency at The Lower Eastside Printshop and a residency at Art Omi. Her work was most recently featured in exhibitions at Dodge Gallery in Hudson, NY, Rochester Contemporary in Rochester, NY, The Graduate Center and at Lucien Terras, both in New York. Solo exhibitions have been held at Nicole Klagsbrun, Mixed Greens and White Columns in New York and at Angles Gallery in Los Angeles. Dentz has created site-specific paintings and drawings at The Drawing Center, Triple Candie, The Rubin Museum of Art and at The Center for Fine Arts at Wesleyan University. Museum exhibitions include PS1/MOMA, The Jewish Museum, The Rose Art Museum, The Weatherspoon Museum, Spertus Museum, Major Issues & Theology Center in Sydney, Australia and The Pera Museum in Istanbul. Dentz currently teaches at The New School/Parsons and at the School of Visual Arts.

Coming soon to the West 10th Window: Margrethe Aanestad, Charlotte Becket, and Gyun Hur.

For press inquiries please contact: QUINN | TEI@quinn.pr | 212.868.1900


Within without is curated by Eliana Blechman and Tessa Ferreyros and is sponsored by the Time Equities Inc. (TEI) Art-in-Buildings Program. TEI is committed to enriching the experience of our properties through the Art-in-Buildings Program, an innovative approach that brings contemporary art by emerging and mid-career artists to non-traditional exhibition spaces in the interest of promoting artists, expanding the audience for art, and creating a more interesting environment for our building occupants, residents, and their guests.